Our Initiatives
Contact your legislator to sign onto Ellie’s Law
This law (H.R. 902 & S. 895) would provide the first ongoing dedicated research funding stream for breakthroughs in preventing potentially fatal brain aneurysms from rupturing and improving the long-term medical consequences and quality of life issues for aneurysm survivors.
It only takes 2 minutes! Just enter your name, address and email after clicking the button below and a pre-scripted email and/or tweet will be sent to you legislators.

To see if your legislator is already signed on as a co-sponsor of Ellie’s Law click the links below.

Help make September Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation has had September declared Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month in states across the U.S. These include: PA, MA, IL, VA, and FL.
If you are in a state that is not listed, click below.