Medical Advisory Board Member Buzzes Hair for BAF

Paul Camarata, M.D., chair of the department of neurosurgery at the University of Kansas Medical Center, needed a haircut. The task had been bumped down on the list of priorities, though, with the global pandemic-driven local shelter-in-place orders that had temporarily shuttered business such as barbershops.

Meanwhile, seemingly no business or charity has been immune to the ripple effects of the coronavirus health crisis and the Brain Aneurysm Foundation (BAF) was no different. The charity was projecting the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue it needed to put its mission into action.

Camarata’s wife, Karen, came up with a creative way to ease both the foundation’s burden and get of her husband’s shaggy locks by suggesting he shave his head for charity. The idea turned into Buzz for BAF.

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University of Kansas Medical Center